
Below you can find summaries of previous classes I have taught as a graduate part-time instructor (GPTI) at the University of Colorado Boulder as well as a list of classes for which I have been a teaching assistant (TA).

Graduate Instructor

Principles of Macroeconomics (Summer 2020) - Continuing Education (Online)

    • Prepared online lectures for 101 students, wrote and graded take-home exams and a term paper about the CARES act.

    • Avg. Instructor Score: 5.6/6 (Evaluations not publicly available)

    • "This was a great course. Not only was the course structured well (quite well suited for a remote learning environment) but the professor was superb. Danny was not only knowledgeable about Macro, but more importantly, was willing to continually learn and have 1-on-1 discussions with his students. This is the sign of an excellent professor who truly cares about the well-being and further education of his students." (Anonymous student feedback)

Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory (Fall 2019, Fall 2021)

    • Held lectures for 25-45 students, wrote and graded exams and problem sets.

    • Avg. Instructor Score: 5.3/6 (Link to evaluations, only available for Fall 2019)

    • "I like the way Danny conducted the course overall. Tests were based on homework and class lectures. I liked that Danny thought through the material as he lectured and that he did not merely read off the powerpoint slides. I enjoyed the lectures. A little powerpoint heavy, but again, the slides related to the homework and tests so he always stayed on topic. I will be more likely to take an econ class in the future if I see he is teaching it." (Anonymous student feedback)

Principles of Macroeconomics (Spring 2019)

    • Held lectures for 202 students, wrote and graded exams, led a team of 2 teaching assistants.

    • Avg. Instructor Score: 5.3/6 (Link to evaluations)

    • "After a rough introduction to econ my first semester here Danny was a great way to combat that. His enthusiasm is unmatched because he constantly engages the class and keeps it interesting. He also has a friendly relationship towards us students which makes it more comfortable to learn and pay attention in his class. Great teacher." (Anonymous student feedback)

Teaching Assistant

  • Principles of Microeconomics

  • Principles of Macroeconomics

  • Intermediate Microeconomics

  • International Economics and Policy

  • Natural Resource Economics

  • Introduction to Statistics with Computer Applications